Thoughts & Random FYI

Summer Skin Tips
We know that summer has arrived (and is still here, and will be here, like, f o r e v e r), but has your skin routine changed to accommodate the length of your summer vacay or the intensity of the hot, Arizona sun? Let's see... Wash my face? Check. Put on face cream? Check. OK, I'm done, right? NOPE!...

8 Healing Effects of Lavender
Lavender, We love it! Lavender essential oil is the most used essential oil in the world today, but the benefits of lavender were actually discovered over 2,500 years ago. Because of its powerful antioxidant, antimicrobial, sedative, calming, and anti-depressive properties, lavender oil benefits abound and it’s been used both cosmetically and therapeutically for centuries. The most important health benefits of...

The Magic of Olive Oil for Dry Skin
Olive Oil is highly nutritive and stable. It contains protein, minerals, and vitamins as well as a superior penetrating power, acidic, and antioxidant values. Olive oil is high in unsaponifiables, which is a large group of compounds called steroids or sterolins. They soften the skin and have superior moisturizing effects on the upper layer of the skin. Olive oil has...

Goat's Milk... the How and Why
Using our soap made with natural, raw, unprocessed milk can truly benefit your skin's health. Our goat's milk soap is so helpful for people with sensitive, dry skin and conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. (It is also great for healthy skin, and to keep it that way). Some of the beneficial ingredients of our goat's milk soaps are..... Vitamins...